Leszek Możdżer: The Power of Message

fot. mat. pras.

During the 60th Krakow Film Festival, Leszek Możdżer was one of the jurors, and earlier, he was awarded a number of prizes for film music himself, like, for example, for the movie Ikar. Legend of Mietek Kosz, directed by Maciej Pieprzyca. In Presto Film he talks about the backstage of the International DocFilmMusic Competition.

(Interviewed by Maja Baczyńska)

Pearl of the Desert won the International DocFilmMusic Competition. I honestly admit that it was my favorite from the beginning, this film was so special. What do you think makes Pearl of the Desert stand out, why it won with the competitors?

This film was indeed different, extremely painterly, it also placed music in the context of cosmic rhythms, presenting it as part of nature and a method for guiding human fate. Not only through personal, internal decisions, but also through the phenomenon of tradition passing from the older to the younger. As a result, it became a story of a universal character, going beyond the frames of a documentary film. It was made very meticulously, one had the impression of manipulating the movie plan or the character settings. The work of the camera was extremely well thought out, which even became an accusation that was raised in the jury's discussion. This movie looked like a feature film, not a documentary, but the power of its message was so great that it won.

Have any other titles from the competition stuck in your mind? White Riot got a distinction, there were nine films in total.

All the documentaries were about fascinating people, I learned a lot by watching those films. Working in the Jury was my self-therapy and I am very grateful to the fate, that it gave me such an opportunity. White Riot shows the relationship between artists and their fans, and makes us realize how music can change the political reality. I particularly liked the movie Africa Mia, which talks about trying to create a free, valuable nation, among other things, by the use of music. The film showed the actions of the government of Mali, which tried to form a group of musical leaders aimed at influencing the characteristics of the entire nation. A thrilling and thought-provoking story, in which it is the music that has a tremendous power. However, as it happens on our planet, the newly emerging, great nation was immediately taken over by the army...



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