Joyce DiDonato: In music I find all the answers

Joyce DiDonato

About the Eden Project, her unique and long-standing stage career, her performances in Poland and, above all, the upcoming concert opening the 12th edition of the Festival of Baroque Operas at the Warsaw Chamber Opera says Joyce DiDonato is interviewed by Maria Kożewnikow.


Maria Kożewnikow: You recently performed in Poland at the National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice, and moments later at the NDI Sopot Classic Festival at the Summer Opera House in Sopot. It's been a little over a year and you are back with us for the opening of the 12th edition of the Festival of Baroque Operas organized by the Warsaw Chamber Opera. Is this return thanks to the Polish audience in love with your voice?


Joyce DiDonato: I think it’s more about my love for the Polish Audience! Those two concerts were deeply memo- rable and vivid for me, and I felt a great connection to the musicians I met, as well as the wonderful public, so I’m elated to be giving the final performance of EDEN in Warsaw!


During the concert, you will continue the broadly artistic Eden project, which resulted in an album of the same title just released with Il Pomo d'oro conducted by Maxim Emelyanychev. Can you tell us where the idea for such a bold and innovative project in classical music and singing came from?


It’s a kind of sequel to my In War & Peace: Harmony through Music” tour from a few years ago. I felt the huge impact of using classical music to address the world we live in in the 21st Century. Personally, I’ve always turned to music and poetry to guide me through difficult times, and I’ve found tremendous knowledge and wisdom, deep comfort and guidance in the great masterpieces I’ve sung over the years. In a word - in music I find all the answers. I wanted to curate a selection of music from across the centuries that calls people to connect more deeply to this vast, majestic, nurturing, beautiful world around them.


You are currently touring the most with Il Pomo d'oro. Listeners associate the ensemble with early music, and your album includes works from the time of Handel to Gluck to Wagner, Mahler or Ives. These are very unusual combinations. Was the repertoire your idea?


The repertoire is WILD! And this was the idea of both Maxim and Giulio d’Alessio, who manages the orchestra. We all wanted to push the boundaries of what is expected so that the audience will listen more acutely, unsure of what will come next. After performing Eden in nearly 50 concerts, I now feel that these pieces were always destined to be side-by-side!


And where did you get the idea for such a title - eden - paradise?


I want to ignite the memories, the hopes, the imagination of all of us who encounter EDEN to be inspired to continue to create a world that is a paradise - within our own hearts, our own families, our own circles - and perhaps eventually the world. We are inundated with the terrifying headlines and the tsunami of difficult news - but there are even MORE instances of simple goodness that could flood our vision if we actively look.


Nowadays you sing pieces that are slightly different from the ones you started with. Has your taste also changed a lot with time?


I cant imagine having a 25+ year career in. music and NOT growing and seeking out new music, new experiences, new partners, new audiences! I have a huge musical and theatrical appetite and Im immensely grateful that I have been able to morph and grow and experience such vast worlds of different music!


You have works in your repertoire ranging from old Italian arias, baroque operas, Rossinian roles and jazz standards or some songs. This is truly impressive and unique compared to many classical singers. What do you find yourself best at and how do you combine your technique with such a diverse repertoire?


Hopefully I’m best at what I’m singing in the moment! My goal is always to be completely im- mersed in the phrase at hand - and to employ my technique to serve whatever that phrase may re- quire or ask.


I think I can confidently call you the best-known mezzo-soprano in the United States today, if not even the world. Has this always been your goal or dream?


Honestly, it’s never been my goal! I have never sought stardom or the spotlight (even if I do love to be in it’s gaze!) But I DO love the opportunity to shake people alive with great singing, huge emo- tional experiences, and challenge them to open their hearts and minds a bit more.


You also often give master classes for young singing students. What is the most important piece of advice you have for these very people?


I encourage them to give themselves the permission to be the artist they’ve always dreamt of being. Many times it’s no a question of acquiring a particular skill (although of course the technical work of a singer is never-ending), but it’s more a matter of releasing blockages that stand in the way of our full expression. I want them to know they have the right (and I would argue, the responsibility) to unleash their full artistic potential, without fear.


You have visited a huge part of the world, including all the major concert halls, singing recitals and operas. Have you noticed anything special about Poland?


My feeling as I left Poland for the 2nd time last summer, is that it is experiencing a very exciting renaissance, full of energy and POSSIBILITY! It feels incredibly alive artistically, and I find that thrilling!

And what plans and ideas are still ahead of you? More innovative projects, pedagogy or perhaps continuing your opera and recital stage career?


All of the above, with a bit of luck! Kevin Puts is writing a huge cycle based on the poetry of Emily Dickinson, and this will be a thrilling project to dive into in the next year. But I look forward to ex- ploring more repertoire, embracing new cultures, and of course continuing to work with amazing young singers!


I've seen that all the seats for the upcoming concert are already sold out! I hope that such interest heralds that this will not be your last concert in Poland?


It’s my third in just over one year - so I am very much liking this trend!!!!


I wish you a great concert! Thank you very much and hope to see you again!


Wszystkie treści na czytasz za darmo. Jesteśmy niezależnym, rzetelnym, polskim medium. Jeśli chcesz, abyśmy takim pozostali, wspieraj nas - zostań stałym czytelnikiem kwartalnika Presto. Szczegóły TUTAJ.

Jeśli jesteś organizatorem życia muzycznego, artystycznego w Polsce, wydawcą płyt, przedstawicielem instytucji kultury albo po prostu odpowiedzialnym społecznie przedsiębiorcą - wspieraj Presto reklamując się na naszych łamach.

Więcej informacji:

Teresa Wysocka , teresa.wysocka [at] +48 579 667 678

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